Hot Cuppa Connections

Let’s have a cup of tea and talk.

I’m Kristea, an empathic counsellor-in-training passionate about improving communication, increasing self-awareness, and encouraging aligned choices. I want you to have what you need to feel at home in yourself.

After meeting with me, you'll be able to address a problem from a calmer place, with a clearer mind. You'll be connected to your own capability and know you’re worth the effort you’re putting in for yourself.

Check these out over your morning coffee

Vent Sessions

Struggling to figure out your feelings or thoughts? Stuck making a decision? Confused? Overwhelmed? Not feeling heard? Want to celebrate something?!

Come have a tea with me and I can help you find clarity and gain perspective.

Ask Kristea

Read my advice column to start off your week. Browse my (growing) archive of empathic and resource-laden questions and answers.

Ask me your own question!

Coffee Concepts

Match a drink to your mood with a recipe log of my favourite hot (or cold) bevvies paired with my thoughts and advice around a mental health topic.

Come tell me your favourite!